BREAKING: Convoy of Truckers En Route To Secure Texas Border

A procession of trucks, automobiles, and recreational vehicles is en route to the border, embarking on a sequence of rallies spanning from California to Eagle Pass, Texas.

According to Noel Roberts, representing Take Our Border Back, these rallies serve as peaceful demonstrations, aiming to convey a clear message to legislators that the American populace is growing increasingly weary of the unlawful influx of aliens.

“Most importantly, peacefully and lawfully is our number one goal. We are working with local law enforcement. We are not some rogue group of people. We are just citizens in America who live near the border, who want to get our voices and use our First Amendment properly and lawfully and peacefully, honestly,” Roberts said.

Rallies are scheduled to take place in three border cities on February 3rd, encompassing Eagle Pass, Texas, Yuma, Arizona, and San Ysidro, California. Furthermore, the convoy will stretch from Virginia Beach, Virginia to Eagle Pass. According to Roberts, crime has emerged as a prominent concern in numerous border states, including her own home state of Arizona.

“We also have gang members that go into the grade schools and middle schools in South Phoenix, and they actually infiltrate,” she said. “They put these kids who come through the border, and they belong to the cartels. Make no mistake, they’re not going to nice foster homes. And they take them, put them in the schools and they recruit our, our kids into their M-13 gangs.”

“We have got to tell our elected officials we’re not okay with this,” she said.

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